January 11, 2025

Registration is CLOSED for this year’s No Cold Pets Project.

We have had on overwhelming response for need and are working to fulfill the registration requests!

In an effort to serve as many families and pets as possible in a more streamlined way, we are requiring pre-registration for the No Cold Pets Project. If you wish to receive items for this year’s event, please click the button above and fill out the form provided. Having this information ahead of the event will help us coordinate the amount of items needed and hopefully allow us to better fulfill the needs of the community. If you have any questions, please email hatsnocoldpets@gmail.com.

We need volunteers! If you are interested in helping out with NCPP this year, we need help with building dog houses, picking up and transporting supplies, helping the day of the event, and more. Please contact Teresa at hatsnocoldpets@gmail.com.

HATS helped more than 90 families in 2018 and in 2019 at the No Cold Pets Projects!
Facebook fundraisers and our pleas to the community resulted in a lot of items to distribute to the animals in need. Special thanks to Lincoln Middle School who raised over $700 for the cause! We had 70+ houses, 60+ bags of Cedar and at least 70 bales of straw, as well as more than four pallets of food. Although it was very cold and snow was falling, our volunteers showed up and ROCKED IT!!
We started at 11 AM and approximately 38 minutes later we had run out of most everything! About 68 families were helped that day, leaving about 10 other families that did not receive what they needed. Because of this and the Arctic temperatures, we all jumped into action! The families were contacted to find out the needs, we gathered what we had on hand and purchased more supplies to fulfill these needs.
Due to the overwhelming demand, we felt that a follow up No Cold Pets Project was needed. We all met on Sunday, New Year’s Eve at the Temple Church and handed out the items that were needed, as well as delivered to some of the people that could not get there.  Of the 20 houses, 25 bales of straw and lots of food, all have been distributed except for 3 houses and some food.

A special thanks to Rust911 for their donation of barrels that will serve as dog houses!

If you are interested in helping with the next No Cold Pets Project , please contact volunteers@hatsalive.org to find out how you can help!